the Winter Wind
It is ten to eight in the morning and there is a hint of blue in the sky. There is now light in the sky at 4:30 in the afternoon. These are improvements. The days are getting noticeably longer and I am happy about that. I feel my winter funk slowly slipping away. Next year I NEED (as Chad says) to spend November, December and January on the other side of the equator. I have been thinking about Africa but if I cannot afford to go there I will settle for Central America. Last night I was cruising the net and got pretty excited about traveling across the north of this great continent. Maybe flying to Europe (a little cheaper I think) and then taking the boat from Gibraltar to Morocco. From there well…it is so hard to say…I think Mauritania, Mail, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and then I hop skip and a jump across to Jordan finally ending up in Israel. I have to end in Israel. I cannot even be admitted entrance to any of the afore mention Muslim countries with an Israeli stamp on my passport. It sounds a little crazy but I guess it is like that whole Cuba-USA thing. Lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame, lame.